This Pokemon Emerald walkthrough is divided into 25 total pages.
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Road to the Fourth Gym - Fallabor Town/Meteor Falls
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 408](pokemon-emerald-408-small.webp)
Go inside the towns Pokémon Center to find someone at the PC. Talk to them to find out that they created to the PC system in the Hoenn region. She will leave and you can meet her again at her house.
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If you talk to some of the people in the houses you will find out that Team Magma took a guy to Meteor Falls.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 410](pokemon-emerald-410-small.webp)
The move relearner is also here if there are any Pokémon moves you want to get your Pokémon to remember.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 411](pokemon-emerald-411-small.webp)
You will need to trade Heart Scales for it. Heart Scales can be found on Luvdisk. Fish for them and they might be holding one.
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To the left of the town is the home of a fossil maniac.
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Go inside and his brother will give you the Tm Dig.
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Left of his house is a fisherman ready for battle.
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He has a Barboach.
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Head south of there to find a bridge.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 417](pokemon-emerald-417-small.webp)
Go left of the bridge before crossing it to find a double battle and an item.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 418](pokemon-emerald-418-small.webp)
The trainers will use Nuzleaf and Barboach.
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After you beat them go across the bridge. Halfway across is a fisherman.
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The fisherman uses Magikarp,
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and Goldeen.
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Past the Fisherman is a camper.
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The camper has a Marill and a
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Acros the bridge you will see a house. You can go around the house to find a group of berries.
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if you jumped off the ledge there you will find Lanette's House.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 428](pokemon-emerald-428-small.webp)
South of Lanette's house is a pair of twins.
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They will use Graveler and Roselia.
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Past them is another camper.
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He will use a Sandshrew and
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a Nuzleaf.
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Past him is one last trainer .
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This trainer will use Aron.
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Head up the staris of the mountain to reach a smashable rock. Beyond there is an item but you want to go in the opposite direction to reach the cave entrance.
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If you continue you fill find a rocker.
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He will use Slugma
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and Wingull.
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Continue past him to find a double battle.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 440](pokemon-emerald-440-small.webp)
The trainers will use Lombre, Geodude,
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![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 442](pokemon-emerald-442-small.webp)
and Numel.
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Continue up the path to run into a hiker.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 444](pokemon-emerald-444-small.webp)
The hiker will use Geodude, and
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![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 446](pokemon-emerald-446-small.webp)
It's only a little farther till you reach the Meteor Falls cave entrance.
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Once your inside Meteor Falls you will see Team Magma across the bridge.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 448](pokemon-emerald-448-small.webp)
Go towards them and a quick event will happen. Team Aqua will appear and everyone goes t Mt. Chimney.
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If you go South of where Team Aqua and Magma were you will find the Exit to the cave to Route 115
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 450](pokemon-emerald-450-small.webp)
You will find a martial artist a little farther down from the exit.
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He will use Machop.
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If you head towards the beach to the left you will find a martial artist training.
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She will use Meditite, and
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Father down the path from the first martial artist is a double battle.
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They will use meditite, Zangoose,
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Seviper, and
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You will find a PP up shortly past them.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 460](pokemon-emerald-460-small.webp)
If you look on your map you are actually just North of Rustboro. For now though we need to head back to Mt. Chimney so head back to Fallabor and go to the cable cars.
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Once back at the cable cars you will find the Magma grunts gone. talk to the woman inside to head up to Mt. Chimney.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 462](pokemon-emerald-462-small.webp)
There you will find various member of Team Aqua and Magma battling.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 463](pokemon-emerald-463-small.webp)
Head up to the left past Archie battle with three grunts to find some Magma grunts for you to beat on.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 464](pokemon-emerald-464-small.webp)
The first battle will be a double battle.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 465](pokemon-emerald-465-small.webp)
They will have Numel and Zubat.
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Your next battle is againt a single grunt.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 467](pokemon-emerald-467-small.webp)
He will have Numel,
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Zubat, and
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 469](pokemon-emerald-469-small.webp)
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 470](pokemon-emerald-470-small.webp)
Now heal up beacuse your next battle is against Magma's boss Maxie.
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You will need a Water and Fighting type beat him.
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Using a Fighting move will beat his first Pokémon Mightyena.
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His next Pokémonis a Camerupt which will be beat by a strong water attack.
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Zubat is the last Pokémon he has which can be beat by any of your Pokémon.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 475](pokemon-emerald-475-small.webp)
Once you beat him Maxie will call off his plans for now.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 476](pokemon-emerald-476-small.webp)
Once the events end you can go upto the device Maxie was at to get the Meteorite. You can return to Fallabor to give the Meteorite to Prof. Cosma.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 477](pokemon-emerald-477-small.webp)
If you head back by the entrance you will find an old lady selling some cookies. These cookies are the equivalent of Full Heals for almost nothing. Grab about 20 of them.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 478](pokemon-emerald-478-small.webp)
Head south of the old lady to reach the Jagged Path.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 479](pokemon-emerald-479-small.webp)
The first trainer there will have a Geodude,
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and Baltoy.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 481](pokemon-emerald-481-small.webp)
Jump down the ledges and you will see a Magma grunt.
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He will have a Poochyena
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and Numel. Remember him for later in the game.
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Right past the grunt is a lone camper.
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She will use Shroomish,
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Oddish, and
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![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 488](pokemon-emerald-488-small.webp)
Past that camper is another camper and cyclist ready for a double battle.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 489](pokemon-emerald-489-small.webp)
They will use Magnemite and Shroomish.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 490](pokemon-emerald-490-small.webp)
Jump down the ledge to face the last camper and trainer of this route.
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 491](pokemon-emerald-491-small.webp)
He will use Zigzagoon, and
![Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough - Pokemon Emerald 492](pokemon-emerald-492-small.webp)
More Pokemon Emerald Walkthroughs
This Pokemon Emerald walkthrough is divided into 25 total pages.